Bilete ESN Welcome Party: Flag Party - 10 oct, ora 23:00 - Beluga Music & Cocktails

ESN Welcome Party: Flag Party

Beluga Music & Cocktails, București

joi, 10 octombrie, ora 23:00

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Are you ready for celebrating the start of your best Erasmus semester?

Then you should definitely not miss our Welcome Party, the Neon Flag Party! Bring your flag and let’s have fun together!

This tradition has been a beloved part of ESN for years, and it's finally here once again, because of you! From national flags to unique designs and symbols, our volunteers will work their magic to turn your face into a work of art that represents your heritage and culture!

Join us for this unforgettable night of fun, music, and the great company of your fellow Erasmus friends from all over the world! 

Don’t let your ESNcard at home…we have some surprises for you! 

What are you waiting for? Let's party!

When? 10 Oct, 23:00

Where? Beluga Music&Cocktail